A New Beginning

Hello and welcome to the new blog on our completely revamped website! We knew it had been a while since our last update so we decided to give the site an entirely new makeover. This new formatting should be easy to use and navigate, so hopefully you find everything you're looking for!
This blog will act as a special journal for sisters to post about big events like the start of a new semester, messages from the President, the initiation of a new class, and any other momentous chapter achievements. As we inch closer towards a new semester, this Fall 2016, our chapter is itching to jump right into everything– starting with rush! All of our rush information can be found in the "recruitment" section of our event, or you can click right here. We can't wait for y'all to see what we have in store!
If you wish to contact us about anything (rush, events, etc.) feel free to head on over to our contact form in the top navigation bar– or click here!
So sit back, relax, and peruse the site.